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Our client wanted to connect the elite and successful through data-driven match-making

LOFTY is a forthcoming private, invitation-only dating social network designed to connect high-value dating matches with a best-in-class geolocation powered matching algorithm. Founders Michael Donaldson and Avanish Giri approached Asahi Technologies seeking the application development strategy and consulting support needed to release a custom dating application that would deliver a new way for highly successful daters to connect with potential short and longterm mates through a more rigorous and advanced data-driven matchmaking process.

There are currently more than 300 million adults using mobile geolocation-powered dating apps around the world. In recent years, user adoption rates of dating social networks have really taken off and the dating app market generates more than $5.61 million in revenues.LOFTY’s founders are seeking to attract a higher value ideal customer profile (ICP) by targeting their mobile application to better match beautiful people with highly successful partners in competitive dating markets like New York City.

The team behind LOFTY dating believes that better matchmaking is possible with a more advanced geolocation-powered match algorithm. Their mission is to create a mobile application where people proud of their hard work and success can more easily connect and date other ambitious individuals that share the same interests, principles, and values.

By 2030, the global geolocation-powered dating app market is projected to reach $12.25 billion. LOFTY dating was designed to capitalize on the fragmentation of the global dating market by providing an elite service designed to cater to higher net worth individuals. Our software development team worked with the client from conceptualization through design, development to testing to develop a better geolocation-driven dating algorithm to provide the highest quality dating user experience.


Strategy, development, and technical support for a highly responsive geo-location-based dating algorithm

To meet the client’s development expectations, Asahi Technologies set to work developing a bespoke mobile dating application. The finished product needed to provide users with a simple way to create a dating profile, share personal details, and connect potential matches using a better geolocation-powered matching algorithm.

The system needed to provide a safe, reliable, user interface and experience which would appeal to millennial and younger digital natives. Asahi Technologies provided the strategy, consulting, and custom software development services to create a highly responsive mobile dating application providing a world-class user experience driven by human-centered design principles.

Services Used

● Push notifications are launched using the Firebase Admin SDK.
● Images and other assets, such as conversation history, are stored in AWS S3.
● OTP is sent through SMS using AWS SNS.
● Email is sent using AWS SES.
● For database interactions, utilize AWS RDS.
● Data caching and queuing are done via the Redis server, notably while obtaining daters.

Mobile App

● React Native ("0.67.3”) and its Supportive npm Packages
● Google Location Services and Google Social-Media Login Service
● Firebase Fire-Store Database, Storage , Authorization , Push-notification Services
● Apple Services for Social-Media Login Service
● Tic-Tok Api Services for Social-Media Login
● Axios javascript library for Networking
● Redux javascript library for State Management


Thrilled with results

Dating in New York City isn’t easy. We designed LOFTY with one purpose in mind: to create a better way for highly successful people to attract, meet, and date beautiful partners. Our private, invitation-only dating social network for high-net worth individuals never could have come together without Asahi Technologies. Their team supported us from strategy and ideation sessions through development sprints and testing. We are thrilled with the final result and look forward to sharing LOFTY with the world.
Michael Donaldson
Co-Founder at LOFTY

A digital dating app for successful people leading to longer-lasting relationships is up and running

By the end of 2022, there will be more than 413 million adults using social dating network applications around the world. LOFTY was designed with the highest quality standards to deliver an unparalleled user experience. Asahi Technologies’ development team conducted rigorous tests to evaluate their application and ensure it matched the client’s expectation to deliver the best possible dating user experience to appeal to highly successful, high-net worth residents of New York City and the bold and beautiful people seeking to date them.

The forthcoming mobile application LOFTY dating creates a simple and seamless digital platform for successful people to secure better matches, more enjoyable dates, and longer-lasting relationships. Asahi Technologies provided the end-to-end technical support and software development expertise to bring the founding team’s creative vision to life. The finished application delivers a worldclass dating user experienced powered by a best-in-class geolocation-powered matching algorithm.