• Doctor-on-demand apps connect patients with doctors through text, audio, video
  • Clinics gain a competitive advantage and RoI through doctor-on-demand apps
  • Do not attempt doctor-on-demand app development without market research and validation
  • Follow-up the launch of your doctor-on-demand app with marketing and improvements

Doctor-on-demand apps are becoming popular

Imagine these medical scenarios:

  • Your child develops an angry red rash, and a fever is coming on.
  • Your arthritic parent suffers a back cramp and is unable to move.
  • Your pregnant wife feels dizzy and blacks out for a few seconds.

Just a few years ago, any of these circumstances meant rushing to the ER, calling an ambulance, or applying for leave from work to rush your near and dear one to the doctor. Not anymore! Thanks to telehealth and telemedicine technologies, an on-demand doctor application that resides on your smartphone can come to your rescue.

Doctor-on-demand mobile app development has brought to the fore convenient solutions that help you connect with a doctor from wherever you are. Available 24/7, these apps help you seek immediate medical advice to alleviate the medical situation you are facing.

Sometimes, the problem can be addressed entirely through video consultation alone, while at other times, a doc-on-demand app helps you tide over the issue until you seek in-person help or hospitalization.

Due to the sheer utility and convenience of these apps, many professional healthcare providers are looking for doctor-on-demand app development partners.

Some choose minimal on-demand doctor appointment app development.  The cost of developing an on-demand doctor app may persuade some doctors to opt for a platform that hosts different healthcare providers.

Here are the services of some leading doctor-on-demand app development projects that have been completed and launched:

Teladoc: Provides non-emergency doctor-on-demand services with advice on which doctor to consult at $75 per general medical visit without insurance.

SimplePractice: A practice management solution with online doctor consultation used by health providers on a subscription basis with a basic plan of $29 per month.

Doctor On Demand: Mobile app that provides online medical care for urgent care in minutes, 24/7, at $79 for a 15-minute consultation with a board-certified clinician.

MDLive: A pay-per-session telemedicine service that offers online psychiatry to 10 years and older, with an out-of-pocket cost ranging between $108 and $248.

Those who wish to adopt a long-term strategy to grow their practice and build a clinic of repute choose highly customized doctor-on-demand app development.

No matter what, you should bear in mind that doctor-on-demand mobile app development is growing in popularity because it makes value-based care:

  • Accessible
  • Convenient
  • Personalized
  • Affordable
  • Effective

How do doctors benefit from telemedicine apps?

Telemedicine apps are widening the reach of doctors. According to Fortune Business Insights, the global telemedicine market was valued at $87.41 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow from $94.44 billion in 2023 to $286.22 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 17.2% during the forecast period. This portends well for doctor-on-demand app development, as telemedicine includes communications technologies that boost doctor-patient interactions.

You can see that the trend of healthcare providers using communication technologies to connect with patients is catching up in the US.

The percentage of physicians using tele-visits/virtual visits grew from 14% in 2016 to 80% in 2022, while the percentage of physicians using remote monitoring devices grew from 12% in 2016 to 30% in 2022.

93% of the doctors who responded to the Digital Health Study 2022 by the American Medical Association, said digital health app development are an advantage for patient care.

  • 57% of these physicians were most enthusiastic about tele-visits.
  • 53% were also keen on the use of remote monitoring devices.

If you take a closer look, it is quite apparent that doctors also stand to gain from doctor-on-demand mobile app development due to:

Reduction in cancellations: The appointment scheduling and alert notification feature reduces the no-show-up problem faced by physicians.

Better insights on chronic conditions: Regular data on chronic health diseases through remote monitoring enables physicians to improve care.

Inclusion of more patient segments: Due to the privacy that patients enjoy, doctors can serve patients with psychiatric, behavioral, and addiction disorders.

Better work-life balance: Virtual visits save time, reduce stress and emotional upheavals caused by extreme events and doctors can achieve work-life balance.

Reduced hospital admissions: Timely tele-consultations and medication adherence by patients prevent hospital admissions and improve clinical outcomes.

Decreased paperwork: On-demand doctor appointment app development liberates physicians and their clinics from administrative burdens.

Provides competitive edge: With clinics earning RoI, doctors do not mind the cost of developing an on-demand doctor app as it provides a competitive advantage.

On-demand apps are cost-effective for your business. Want to know how?


Steps to developing an excellent doctor-on-demand app

If you are a doctor running a clinic anywhere in the US, you should consider a customized doctor-on-demand app development to optimize your practice. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you get the basics right:

Market research and idea validation: A thorough market research will help you identify your target audience, their specific needs, and the demand you intend to fulfill.

For example, do you want your app to satisfy care needs for everyday ailments –the common cold, minor cuts, and bruises? Or will it answer the requirements for specialized neurological problems?

Seeking feedback from potential users will help you validate your app idea.

A detailed business plan outlining your app’s objective, revenue model, and marketing strategy is a must. Do not forget to check the legal and regulatory requirements for the doctor-on-demand mobile app development you are about to undertake.

Features and functionalities: Listing all the features you wish to provide in the app will help to define the functionalities. If something is not feasible, now is the time to limit the functionality of the app.
For example, you may want to cut down the waiting time for patients. Is it really possible without compromising on the quality of care?
Checking the availability of physicians will help you decide whether to promise 24/7 care or a response within 24 hours.

Mobile health apps usually include:

  • User registration and profile creation
  • Appointment scheduling
  • Video or audio consultations
  • Secure messaging
  • Payment processing
  • Electronic health records (EHR) integration
  • E-prescription technologies
  • Push notifications

 Avoid feature bloat to make your doctor-on-demand app development a success


User interface: Prioritize the user –experience by creating mockups and wireframes with an intuitive interface.

Technology stack: Choose the technology stack for your app, including programming languages, frameworks, and databases. Will you use cloud computing to store and retrieve data?

For example, if it is a web-based doctor-on-demand app development, you must think of React.js or Node.js; if you are thinking of a desktop application, Electron.js is the answer; but if you are looking for doctor-on-demand mobile app development, you will need React Native for Android and iOS versions.

MVP: Develop the front-end and back-end of the app. Follow the minimum viable product (MVP) route to avoid feature bloat –proof of concept and proto-typing are the best ways to go about development.

For example, you can choose features like user authentication, appointment booking, video conferencing, and payment processing, which are the minimum basic requirements.

Integration: Where needed, integrate your app with healthcare systems, EHRs, and APIs.

Testing: Fix bugs and plug vulnerabilities through tests. Also, perform usability testing to ensure a seamless user experience.

Security: Focus on security, data privacy, secure data transfer, and storage protocols. Also, ensure HIPAA compliant medical software in the US to protect sensitive patient health information. Make sure you have all the necessary certifications and approvals.


Launch a doc-on-demand app in just six months or less

So at the end of 4-6 months, we could have your customized MVP version of the app ready for launch.

You can unveil your app on app stores such as Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Apart from employing app store optimization techniques, you should ideally go back to your original set of potential users. Get them to use the product or service and provide detailed feedback. Provide customer support to assist users with any issue that may surface and then follow up with these activities:


Follow up with a marketing strategy to promote the app to your target audience.


Choose a revenue model that best suits the purpose: subscription fees, pay-per-visit charges, or a combination. You can also partner with healthcare providers or insurance companies to generate additional revenue streams.


To expand the market, you will need to attract new users through promotional campaigns, content marketing, and social media posts.


You can also try fresh iterations of your app with enhanced usability and features.

To conclude, remember that even a simple on-demand doctor appointment app development needs expertise in healthcare technology, mastery over the technicalities of healthcare software development, and rigid compliance with healthcare regulations.

We develop on-demand apps after thorough market research.


Create convenient doctor-on-demand apps for clinics to make patient consultation possible day and night

Asahi Technologies is a proven healthcare technology solutions provider. Combining our full-stack development expertise with domain knowledge, we deliver industry-specific applications that solve complex health technology challenges.

Our robust healthcare mobile apps ensure healthcare stakeholders are always in touch with each other, even when on the move. We offer a growing range of applications that cover clinical reference and diagnostics, hospital operations management, patient monitoring and management, and healthy living and wellness tracking. API integration is a given, and so interactivity is guaranteed. Partner with us to access open-source codes, speed up development timelines, and cut costs.

We are problem solvers, solution builders, and trusted partners.

Monica Balakrishnan

Monica Balakrishnan

Technical Project Manager

Monica possesses extensive IT expertise spanning from software development to project management. She possesses a background in both team collaboration and leadership, in addition to working with clients from diverse global cultures, encompassing regions from the Western to the Eastern parts of the world.

Monica Balakrishnan

Monica Balakrishnan

Technical Project Manager

Monica possesses extensive IT expertise spanning from software development to project management. She possesses a background in both team collaboration and leadership, in addition to working with clients from diverse global cultures, encompassing regions from the Western to the Eastern parts of the world.

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