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Law offices deal with a lot of complex moving parts. There are huge amounts of data and records that need to be accessible and organized, invoicing, legal information, and so on. It makes sense that these businesses are turning more and more to custom software solutions to help streamline and optimize these elements that make a successful law practice.
At Asahi Technologies, we have experience creating legal software solutions for clients based in the field, and we know firsthand that the possibilities for this kind of custom application are practically endless.
Below, we’ll talk about some of the types of custom software solutions that are being made for and utilized by modern legal offices around the world.
Case Management Software
For a law firm, case management is paramount to success. Keeping all data and information related to a case together in a way that’s sortable, searchable, and accessible is an absolute necessity. On top of that, keeping all of your cases similarly organized is even better.
Custom case management software can be a great idea for law firms that deal with a large number of clients. Not only will it help all of your employees stay on top of their tasks, but it will reduce hours of busywork that distract from the real purpose of the firm as well.
On a general level, case management software should include the following:
- Contact management
- Email archives
- Document management capabilities
- Calendar and appointment management
- Time, billing, and accounting capabilities
A lot of the best case management software will also be scalable and have the ability to integrate third-party programs as needed. For instance, if your firm uses QuickBooks, you should be able to use it within your case management system.
There are companies that prefer to have every functionality built into their case management software so that there’s no reason at all to utilize and pay for third-party programs. It’s really up to the company to make that decision, but being able to integrate third-party programs is a great way to future-proof your software.
A Training Portal for Legal Consultants
A lot of companies utilize legal consulting firms to train their employees to avoid behaviors that could land them in legal trouble. For instance, sexual harassment training and diversity and inclusion skills.
One of our clients, a firm based in Washington DC, was successfully doing just that for their clients and their clients’ employees. However, they wanted a custom software solution that would streamline training management to make it easier for their personnel to focus on the actual training aspects.
We built them a custom corporate portal that not only organized all of the training programs in one place within a brand new modernized portal, but we also created it in a way to allow multiple access levels for various users.
On top of that, we were able to implement an administrative approval system so that the leadership team could have full control over any changes or additions to content within the portal.
Now, the client is able to publish courses, post discussion boards, manage organizations and course completion certificates all from the convenience of a single training portal.
Read the full case study here.
A Custom Legal Portal for Investors
Wall Street is a fast-paced environment involving a lot of money changing a lot of hands, all which has to be done within the boundaries of complex investment laws. Because of this, easy access to important legal information is of utmost importance for investors.
Our client helped high-profile investment companies easily decide which bonds would yield the most favorable market position to their clients.
Traditionally, bonds would be accompanied by a prospectus that’s hundreds of pages long which would then be reviewed by expensive lawyers.
Our client had their in-house lawyers and analysts review and write a 4-6 page legal brief that would be available as a bond would hit the market. Investment management companies could then pay a simple subscription fee to access those more easily digested reports and thus receive legal advice at the fraction of the cost of using outside lawyers.
To make this happen, however, they needed a client-facing custom developed web portal for access to these documents.
We worked with the client to create such a portal that is able to not only deliver the documents to customers, but also use finely defined permission types to assign different kinds of accounts for a variety of access levels.
In the end, our client was able to offer a product that saves a lot of headaches on Wall Street using custom software that offered a new kind of cost-effective service to a fast paced world.
Read the full case study here.
Your Law Office Needs Custom Software
Not only do all of these legal software solutions provide streamlined workflows for law offices, but they also vastly reduce the headaches that come with trying to organize and keep track of vast amounts of information and data.
While there are plenty of pre-existing programs out there for productivity, accounting, and more, we believe that every law firm and company in general has its own identity that brings with it individualized challenges. The best way to meet those challenges is with individualized solutions tailored specifically for you.
If you think it’s time for your legal business to hire a custom web application developer for your company’s specific needs, please feel free to check out our reviews from our many satisfied customers and click the button below to contact us and receive a free consultation.
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