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Being a great software development firm means going beyond knowing the mechanics. Our team has a genuine interest in, and deep understanding of a range of topics. And their restless curiosity means they love to help you learn more about the world of software development and design.

Here, you’ll find insightful, informative blogs covering everything from artificial intelligence to UX design.

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Software Solutions for Every Law Office

Law offices deal with a lot of complex moving parts. There are huge amounts of data and records that need to be accessible and organized, invoicing, legal information, and so on. It makes sense that these businesses are turning more and more to custom software solutions to help streamline and optimize these elements that make a successful law practice.  At Asahi Technologies, we have experience creating legal software solutions for clients based in the field, and we know firsthand that the possibilities for this kind of custom application are practically endless.  Below, we’ll talk about some of the types of

Educators Should Look into These Custom Software Solutions

Education technology has come a long way, and there’s no reason educators shouldn’t take full advantage of it to make sure their students get the most out of their learning.  Additionally, the pandemic taught us that custom software for education can be a powerful tool when it comes to e-learning and online classes.  We put together a list of some of the examples of how custom educational software is pushing the boundaries of what is possible in today’s educational world.  Authoring Systems  An authoring system is something that helps teachers develop their own instructional software. This software is usually relatively

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How Banking and Financial Software Are Changing the Game

Few industries are more complex or contain more moving parts than the financial and banking industries. On top of this complexity are higher stakes, with errors often leading to real financial losses on multiple levels.  It makes sense, then, that the businesses in these industries use custom software to increase efficiency, maximize productivity, reduce human errors, provide better customer experiences, and much more.  For instance, most banks offer their customers mobile applications that provide all of the common banking services right at their fingertips. Many people now go months, or possibly even years, without physically stepping foot into a bank.

How To Get E-Commerce Software Developed For Your Start-Up

Asahi Technologies has helped many start-ups by building custom software development solutions that allow them to both grow profits and boost productivity. Check out this case study below on how Asahi Technologies built custom e-commerce software for an Italian Coffee start-up!

3 Custom Application Solutions for Startups

We’ve had a lot of experience working on custom software development projects for startups. They’re some of our favorite jobs because they’re often so unique and tackling interesting challenges that come with the territory of being a newer company.  Of course startups have a lot of software needs. They’re generally starting off with a vision and a plan to achieve that vision, but they don’t have the acquired software infrastructure that comes with time as a company.  Because of that, their needs are usually bigger in terms of impact than those of a larger company. On the other hand, they’re

How the Manufacturing Industry Uses Custom Software

  Oftentimes, when we think of manufacturing, we think of assembly lines and workers putting things together and shipping them out. In truth, a manufacturing business is a gargantuan undertaking that consists of a multitude of departments and operations.  As such, the manufacturing industry is one that utilizes custom developed software even more than most other businesses.  In most cases, manufacturers don’t have their own in-house software teams, so they look outside for third-party custom software developers to create their applications on a case-by-case basis.  Below we’ll talk about some of the common uses the manufacturing industry has for custom

What Kind of Custom Software Does a Nonprofit Organization Need?

When it comes to effectively managing a non-profit organization, few people consider the need for custom software. Sure, prebuilt applications can handle a lot of the software-based workload and needs. Still, unlike profit-driven companies, non-profits carry out certain tasks differently due to their unique organizational structures and the philanthropic nature of their founding missions. While the management of a non-profit is relatively similar everywhere, for tax compliance purposes, some states have regulations that require an organization to meet specific thresholds to qualify. Generally, however, a non-profit is founded to accomplish particular humanitarian or collectivist work. For example, homeless shelters aim

Web Portal Development Services

Web Portal Development Services Whether your business needs a Web Portal developed for your Employees or you’re a Healthcare System looking for Patient Web Portal Development – Asahi Technologies has the experience and expertise related to web portal development you need for your project to turn out successful. We’ve developed web portals for a number of clients, from a Loan Servicing Portal for a Financial Start-up to developing an Extranet Web Portal for the World Trade Centers Association our custom software development services and web portal development capabilities are second to none. Want to learn more about some of the