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Being a great software development firm means going beyond knowing the mechanics. Our team has a genuine interest in, and deep understanding of a range of topics. And their restless curiosity means they love to help you learn more about the world of software development and design.

Here, you’ll find insightful, informative blogs covering everything from artificial intelligence to UX design.

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Custom Software Development Services: A Leap into the future

Custom software development services have experienced explosive growth in recent times thanks to the rising demand for industry-specific technology demands. Their unique ability to seamlessly integrate new software with the existing one alongside their increased scalability makes them highly appealing to various industries—from retail and automobile to healthcare and education. Such ubiquitous applications suggest that the need for custom software is not strictly limited to bulkier, heavy-duty machinery. We can also see its impact on businesses that require tailored solutions. E-commerce sites and university student portals are all examples of custom-built software. The Market for Custom Software Undeniably, custom software

Change the Game With the Right Software Development Company

Whether you’re a startup or a large and established corporation, the backbone of your success is increasingly going to be found in the strength of your software.  Whether it’s a master data management system that centralizes your retail data, an HR portal that connects employees to their benefits, or even a mobile app that serves as the vehicle for your service and the foundation of your business, software is the key to winning at the bottom line.  Not only is software playing an ever more critical role, companies are also turning more and more to custom software developers to build

Why Custom Mobile App Development is the New Standard

Companies in 2021 are inundated with ways to interact with their customer base. Gone are the days where billboards, magazines, and the television screen in the living room were the only windows into the lives of the American people.  Nowadays we have laptops, tablets, and smartphones delivering content to consumers wherever they might go. It’s a utopia of digital experiences being shared and interacted with on a constant basis, and it’s also a bounty of possibilities for companies looking to engage their users.  So it’s no surprise when we say that mobile apps are the new standard for facilitating that

Custom Software Development is Different for Startups

One of the best parts of being a New York-based software development company is that we get to be a part of an ecosystem with some of the most innovative up and coming companies in the world. There are hundreds, maybe thousands, of companies here that start with a single ingenious idea and then work up from there, introducing exciting and completely fresh business concepts to the world with their services.  As such, custom software development for startups in New York City is a whole different ball game from development for larger, more established corporations. In fact, that’s true for

Custom Software Development Services In Chicago

Is your Chicago business looking for custom software development services? Asahi Technologies can help!

Why Outsourcing Software Development Saves $ for Startups

Budget is a concern for any business, but that’s doubly true for startups that have yet to establish a foothold in their industry. However, the needs of a startup business can be greater at first than those faced by one that’s been around for some time. Of those needs, few are more potentially costly than software.  Purchasing software licenses or SaaS platform subscriptions can be incredibly expensive, and startups don’t usually have the benefit of in-house development teams to create their own proprietary software solutions like larger companies do.  However, there is a third option: Outsourcing custom software development to

The Top 5 Cities Where Startups Are Growing

Over the years, we’ve had the opportunity to work on a lot of exciting custom software development projects for startups around the country. During that time, we’ve pinned down some areas where startups tend to be flourishing the most.  Below, we’ll list some of the top cities in the U.S. for startup companies and give some insights from our perspective as software developers why they’re at the top of the list.  1. New York City  Unsurprisingly, New York City is a great place to start a business. The potential local customer base is enormous, tourism traffic is high, and there’s

5 Custom Software Uses for Construction Companies

When we think about construction companies, we tend to think of people with hardhats, blueprints, tools and materials, and maybe even construction vehicles. What we don’t often think about are all the behind the scenes data and processes that keep everything running.  That’s right, construction companies share many of the administrative and logistical burdens that face any other company. In addition, there are challenges associated with obtaining materials, keeping track of building codes and standards, and all of the employee information and safety protocols.  All of this means that construction companies can benefit greatly from custom software designed to help